BSCO raises $12 million for Big Sky’s first community center
On April 25, the Big Sky Community Organization announced that it had to-date raised more than $12 million for the community center on the 3.3 acres of land the organization acquired and secured as open space parkland in perpetuity in Big Sky Town Center, and announced the launch of its “ALL IN. BIG SKY” campaign to raise the remaining $5.5 million needed for the center by the end of summer 2019.
The community center is designed to be a multi-use space that will serve as a gathering place for residents, visitors and club members. The center will have common spaces, meeting rooms and office spaces which will house nonprofits and community resources. It will also offer recreational areas to facilitate a variety of indoor and outdoor sports, and art programs, acting as an accessible, affordable space for the public.
“As Big Sky continues to grow, the Big Sky Community Organization envisions a future Big Sky which will always feel like home—with community spaces, parklands, trail systems and recreation opportunities available to anyone with a need and interest, to people of all ages, income brackets and backgrounds,” said BSCO Executive Director Ciara Wolfe.